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Two For The Devil

  • Brand: Unbranded

Two For The Devil

  • Brand: Unbranded
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This searing third novel in the critically acclaimed Small Worlds series records the cruel fate of the villagers of Krimsk as they encounter the twentieth centurys greatest agents of evil Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler. In Moscow at the height of the 1936 Stalinist purges Grisha Shwartzman discovers on Rosh Hashanahthe Jewish New Year and Day of Judgmentthat he is in danger of liquidation by the secret police he serves. In 1942 Yechiel Katzman finds himself on a train of imprisoned Jews as it leaves the Warsaw ghetto on Yom Kippurthe Day of Atonementfor resettlement in the East. Stalin and Hitler decree certain death but in the course of their experiences Grisha and Yechiel discover Jewish fates. Through memory both men gain community dignity and the awareness of sanctity Grishas Soviet Rosh Hashanah and Yechiels Nazi Yom Kippur are truly Days of Awe. show more
  • Brand: Unbranded
  • Category: Sports & Hobbies
  • Format: Hardback
  • Language: English
  • Publication Date: 1998-09-17
  • Publisher / Label: Abbeville Press Inc.
  • Author: Allen Hoffman
  • Number of Pages: 254
  • Fruugo ID: 83997209-173254697
  • ISBN: 9780789203977

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